Welcome! I’m Sarah Wilkins, aka the Nutritionist Mom. I’m a mom of three with a degree in Food & Nutrition Science (Dietetics).
My philosophy is that nutrition should be science-based, personalized, and flexible. After all, if the approach isn't sustainable, the results aren't either! I don’t believe in cutting out food groups or strict diet rules. Instead, I emphasize moderation and sensible guidelines.
Before finding balance with food, I struggled with disordered eating for many years. In high school, I was self-conscious of my body and started counting calories. In college, I under-ate, over-trained, and binge-drank heavily on the weekends. I would eat 1300 calories per day, workout in the gym for over an hour, then run 9 miles with my roommate. Yikes!

A couple years later, I coached myself through my first NPC bikini competition and became nationally qualified. I had this “all or nothing” mindset: I was either eating 110% “on plan,” or I was all-out bingeing. I looked fit, but my relationship with food was dysfunctional. I struggled with body dysmorphia and was obsessed with how I looked.

Soon after, I became pregnant with a baby girl (the first of three!). She was two weeks late when I developed severe preeclampsia (HELLP syndrome). I was admitted to the hospital and immediately given medication to prevent me from going into seizures. My blood pressure was skyrocketing, and my liver and kidneys were failing. After 36 hours of unsuccessful labor, the nightmare ended in an emergency C-section.

Needless to say, I was a total wreck postpartum! Tears filled my eyes when I saw my body in the mirror. It was swollen, bloody, stapled, bruised, and stretched. I didn’t recognize myself!
The trauma of delivery was compounded by hormone imbalance, utter exhaustion, and immense feelings of inadequacy. I felt like I had lost myself. In desperation, I tried keto (again), Whole30, intermittent fasting, even very low-calories (as low as 900). Nothing produced lasting results. The photo below was taken 3 months postpartum.

My negative self-image led to me binge-eating worse than ever! I felt incredibly frustrated by my lack of progress and angry at my inability to “stick to anything.”
One day, I got fed up with the miserable cycle. I decided to stop being the person I hated, and started making choices that made me happy. I vowed to nurture myself, forgive myself, and seek balance. I remembered I am “wonderfully made” and worth dying for in my Creator’s eyes.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Even though my mindset shifted, physical progress was slow. The photos above were actually taken 7 months after baby number two! I had the hardest time losing weight and controlling my breastfeeding appetite. So, I started researching postpartum hormone changes. I discovered that the reason some women struggle more than others postpartum is due to greater degrees of nutrient depletion and hormone imbalance. There were many "aha" moments as I dug deeper. I wondered why no one was teaching this!

Once my hormones were happy, the results kept coming. Practical habits and balanced eating got me to where I am today! The photos below are current - taken 2 years after baby number three.

I am confident in my skin, but no longer obsessed with my physical appearance. My mindset empowers me to be disciplined, but freely enjoy all foods without guilt. I can manipulate macros to change my physique, or maintain intuitively without tracking. I haven't had the urge to binge in years! I am teaching my family that it's good to eat nutritious foods "most of the time," but also indulge "sometimes."
This is also accessible for YOU - you can dramatically transform and effortlessly thrive!
You see, there’s a huge knowledge gap between the nutrition advice women are given and what actually works. Most diet plans marketed to women fail to support a healthy metabolism and healthy hormones, let alone a healthy relationship with food. Not to mention, most programs don’t cater for busy families!
So, I've made it my mission to equip mamas with everything they need to get results, restore their metabolisms, and find their own happy balance. Part of this is creating family-friendly recipes that are nutritionally-balanced, affordable, and easy to make. Meals you'll actually make and your kids will actually eat!
As moms, we have a huge impact on our families’ nutrition. Our children learn from us what to eat and what their relationship with food should look like. Let’s teach them lasting healthy habits! It all starts with YOU mama ;)
This is my God-given passion: to empower moms, and in turn, enrich families. I’m honored you’re here and I hope I can serve you in some way!
With humble appreciation,
The Nutritionist Mom